25 03, 2020

Benefits of Having Your Corporate Event Catered


Hosting a corporate event involves many moving parts. A common question many business owners ask themselves during the planning stages is, “Should I have my corporate event catered?” The answer is a resounding “yes” for a number of reasons that will ultimately benefit you, your guests and your Lowell, IN event overall.

Why you should hire […]

Benefits of Having Your Corporate Event Catered2020-03-25T18:52:22+00:00
15 02, 2020

Knocking Your Corporate Event Out of the Park


Let’s be honest—most employees are filled with dread at the prospect of attending a corporate event of any kind. Taking time out of their busy work schedule to hobnob with professionals doesn’t exactly sound like the most enjoyable pastime. For people setting up a corporate event in Lowell, IN, however, there’s help. With the right […]

Knocking Your Corporate Event Out of the Park2020-03-10T20:23:25+00:00
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